Friday, May 15, 2020

Homeless Population Essay - 991 Words

Homeless Populations HN200 1. In your text on pages 206-207, the author discusses his research on the homeless population. He refers to the many routes one can take to become homeless. Choose two populations from his list that you might work with in your career as a human services professional. Describe two possible interventions or tasks that you might be involved with in working with each population. What are some of the general skills a human services professional might need to work with these population? Our text illustrates that there are various populations within the homeless community. These people are homeless for different reasons, whether its voluntary or involuntarily. Runaways and Victims of†¦show more content†¦Fires, Hurricanes, Floods Tsunamis are environmental catastrophes that can change a person‘s life. Victims of environmental catastrophes are among the homeless populations. These victims may feel feeling powerless and confused, having lost the structure of their daily lives and routines. As a human service professional I may be able to get my client settled in a temporary shelter, get them involved in a support group for emotional support, Food, Clothing Financial aid Housing assistance and education about psychological impact of disaster. Working with both populations I will need to have knowledge of each population. I should also have the basic skills of communication, such as, listening without interrupting , asking questions to get a better understanding and maintain eye contact so that my clients can have a certain level of rust in me and know that I am genuinely concerned. 2. For each of the types of homelessness listed above, identify/analyze specific problems related to homelessness that individuals may encounter. Then, provide two solutions that human services professionals can implement to help the person get out of his/her situation. Why did you choose these solutions? Those that are homeless due to running away are more likely to become involved in risky behavior, such as unprotected sex, sex for money, multiple partners and drug abuse. They are also greater risk of severe anxiety and depression, suicide,Show MoreRelatedHomelessness : The Homeless Population843 Words   |  4 Pages Seven billion people, that is the number of individuals that fill this vast world and 25 percent are homeless. Homelessness does not just transpire overnight, in poor countries, and to adults. This dire circumstance can develop anywhere: from poverty stricken countries to the wealthiest in the world and to people of any generation. Tragically, 30 percent of the homeless population is comprised of children (HomeAid.). Government and communities need to work together to develop more solutionsRead MoreHomelessness : The Homeless Population Essay1703 Words   |  7 Pagesyear. Homelessness is an endless epidemic that continues to grow. 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