Saturday, January 4, 2020

Depression The Egyptian Remedies - 2115 Words

A very brief history of depression People have struggled with depression for a very long time. There is much useful information about depression that has been passed on since the beginning of recorded history. Depression is as old as time. Over five thousand years ago, depression appeared in the hieroglyphics, paintings, and statue of pharaonic Egypt (Okasha Okasha, 2000). At that time, people with depression were not stigmatized (Okasha, 2001). That was a big plus. People are more likely to address depression if they view it as a natural bit interruptive phase of living rather than as something shameful. The Egyptian remedies included sleep, journey, and dance. In ancient Greece, Hippocrates- also known as the father of medicine- found that depression had many symptoms, such as nameless fears, irritability, loss of appetite, despondency, and sleepnessness (Radden, 2000; Simon, 1978). He thought that people were born with a vulnerability for depression and that stressful circumstances evoke it. A person’s biol ogy can influence his/her thoughts and behavior. Also emotions affect the course of a disease. By modern standards many of Hippocrates’ observations seem on target. He prescribed diet and exercise as first line treatment against depression. In the eleventh century, Arabian physician Avicenna connected depression to physical and psychological causes (Radden, 2000). He was among the first to say that you can think your way into depression and think your way out.Show MoreRelatedStudy Of Botanical / Herbal Medication1076 Words   |  5 Pagesdocumentation of them. Natural medications touch bases on the pre-historic therapeutic purpose. 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