Friday, December 27, 2019

Definition and importance of a tree butt

The butt of a tree is its bottom portion and this basal portion of the trunk is distinctively different from a trees branches, roots, and upper trunk.   A trees  butt is above the roots but separated from the trunk which continues upward toward the terminal bud A trees butt is often referred to by loggers as the bottom log of a felled tree. The first cut  nearly always starts at the butt or base of the tree for the initial cut. It is the most valuable part of the tree when sold and converted to a wood product A tree butt is also important when tree disease is detected at or near ground level. Butt rot diseases  are serious concerns for tree owners and tree managers. A basal rot will inevitably weaken  the tree to the point where its support system is compromised  resulting in trunk failure and the eventual death of the tree. The butt of a tree is also its most valuable section to a timber grower. If there is a defect in the butt log which by definition is the first 16 feet of a tree trunk, the trees lumber grade is diminished considerably. Butt Rot and Effects on Trees Butt rot  is a serious disease of trees and all species are susceptible to a greater or lesser degree. Fungal pathogens are the primary causal agent of butt rot  and attack the moist, vulnerable and under-protected lower portion of a tree trunk where its largest diameter is recorded. A tree is most  vulnerable to rot where the bottom end of the trunk  stem  makes contact with the  soil. The tree butts location, when diseased, can  attack the roots as well causing a disease known as  root rot. These kinds of  infections are  likely to impair the transport properties of the  xylem  tissue found in the cambial region under the tree bark. Again, it also weakens the stem and makes the plant more vulnerable to toppling. Rot in the area of the tree butt can spread to the roots and/or  move up and into the tree compartment producing a roughly conical column of dead, rotted wood which increases in size proportional to a trees age and ability to compartmentalize and stop the spread. These wood-decay diseases can start as a root or butt disease but can  overlap as both root and  stem decays. Most are caused by Basidiomycota  or fungi. They may get in through wounds in the lower part of the tree or penetrate roots directly. Understanding a Butt Log and Its Quality The highest quality logs typically  come from the first or lowest section  called the butt log by timber harvesters. The butt log is where the best, highest quality wood veneer and lumber is found. Wood veneer (usually hardwood) that is sliced  or plywood (usually pine) that is rotary cut  command high prices. It should be noted that high-quality trees with butt log damage or disease will negatively affect what will be paid at the timber harvest time. Buyers of veneer and plywood quality wood will  require certain minimum log lengths depending on the mills operation and set up.   A  common minimum used in North America is  8 feet plus an extra 6 inches  for trim allowance. However, different veneer markets have different requirements for species, wood color and grain quality and can take logs as long as 11 feet plus 6 inches. Top grade veneer logs may have a 14-inch diameter minimum and extra prime grade  can only come from the first butt cut. What is Tree Butt Swell? All trees will have some taper but the most valuable timber tree will maintain a cylinder-like form extending up the trunk. Any extra expansion of  tree trunk butt above the normal stump flare is called butt swell and is normal in some tree species (especially trees on wet sites like cypress and tupelo gum). Sound wood within the butt swell can be used but only as non-construction materials including wood chips and specialty items. Timber cutters are  recommended to cut above the swell for construction logs. Butt swell is considered a defect for veneer logs.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Obesity And The United States - 1430 Words

According to an article, â€Å"Obesity in Children†, published through the medicine health website, the issue on childhood obesity in the United States has increased within recent years. â€Å"Today, nearly a third of youths are overweight or obese. That’s more than 23 million children and teenagers,† (Childhood Obesity in the United States). Obesity can eventually lead to different and more serious health issues. Fast food restaurants attract the attention of our younger generation and are some of the main causes of obesity today. This has become a huge issue to Americans, but especially to the youth. With that being said, my goal in this paper is to show how rapidly obesity is increasing in children in the United States. The definition of obesity is having too much body fat. â€Å"Generally, a child is not considered obese until the weight is at least 10 percent higher than what is recommended for their height and body type. Obesity most commonly begins bet ween the ages of 5 and 6, or during adolescence. Studies have shown that a child who is obese between the ages of 10 and 13 has an 80 percent chance of becoming an obese adult† (Obesity in Children and Teens). This has become an immense issue not only for American children, but also for people all around the world. Because of the lack of responsibility children take about their health, they are at risk for various health problems. Not only does obesity affect their body, but, it can also affect them mentally as well. â€Å"Over theShow MoreRelatedObesity On The United States981 Words   |  4 Pagesis made home doesn’t mean is healthy. According to article â€Å"The state of obesity† by better policies of America more than one third of adults (34.9) are obese in the United States. But why is there so much obesity on the United States and who is there to blame? We can go ahead and blame the fast food restaurants or we can blame the people itself. In my opinion t he individuals are the ones to blame for the obesity in the United States because they rather have fast and easy food even though it’s notRead MoreObesity : The United States1268 Words   |  6 PagesOctober, 2015 Obesity in America Over the past few decades, obesity rate has grown drastically in the United States. â€Å"A third of U.S. adults are obese† (Brady 519), placing them at a higher risk for diseases, and increased healthcare spending. It a preventable nutritional problem that affects people of all ages, gender and race, with minority groups and people of low socioeconomic status disproportionately affected. It is a multifaceted problem with many issues at its root. Obesity is the resultRead MoreObesity And The United States1265 Words   |  6 Pages Obesity in the United States has been a serious problem affecting Americans and has been continually growing higher in numbers each year. American obesity has nearly doubled within the last 40 years and is now considered to be an epidemic that is affecting millions of people around the nation. According to the National institute of Diabetes and digestive and kidney Diseases, 31% of men and 35% of women are considered seriously overweight, along with 15% of children between the ages of six and nineteenRead MoreObesity in the United States1115 Words   |  4 PagesIn the United States today, obesity has become an enormous burden on both the health and healthcare of those affected. In the last 3 decades, the number of people overweight has increased dramatically. According to the Centers of Disease Control, as of 2013, 34.9% of our population is considered overweight or obese. America is the richest yet the fattest nation in the world, and our obese backsides are the butt of jokes in every other country (Klein, 1994). Obesity is defined as having excess bodyRead MoreObesity And The United States1317 Words   |  6 PagesObesity in the United States In today’s world, obesity rate has been increased significantly. Among 196 countries of the world, the Unites States is ranked 19th, and one third of the population in the U.S. have obesity. Reason that people care about how much population is obsessed is that it is â€Å"linked to many of the major causes of death in the United States, including heart disease, some types of cancer, strokes, diabetes, and atherosclerosis† (Himes 73). 19th of the world may not seem very highRead MoreObesity And The United States951 Words   |  4 PagesObesity in the United States Obesity is raging in the United States. America is the fattest country on this earth. It has become a major health concern. It is not only increasing at an alarming rate in adults, but also in children. The risk of obesity is serious; it can cause many problems in the body. In order to cut down on obesity, Americans need to be more aware of what they eat every day, make healthier choices, and get the proper amount of exercise and nutrition. In many cases obesity canRead MoreObesity And The United States973 Words   |  4 Pagesbecause is made home doesn’t mean is healthy. According to the article â€Å"The state of obesity† by better policies of America more than one third of adults (34.9) are obese in the United States. But why is there so much obesity in the United States and who is there to blame? We can go ahead and blame the fast food restaurants or we can blame the people itself. Individuals are the ones to blame for the obesity in the United States because they have this idea of eating fast and easy, but just cause is fastRead MoreObesity And The United States975 Words   |  4 PagesObesity is an issue that has been growing constantly in the United States. Due to the growing number of fast food restaurants and everything becoming more and more convenient to the human race, the population has been gaining an abundance of weight over the last several decades. The United States has the highest obes ity rate among all of the countries in the world. The rates of obesity for each individual state in the United States all exceed 20 percent (Adult Obesity). Gary Stocklaufer, was a marriedRead MoreObesity And The United States1960 Words   |  8 PagesIn the United States, more than one third of adults are obese. One in five American deaths are now associated with obesity. The prevalence of obesity has increased at an alarming rate in the USA: in 1960 only 13% of Americans were obese. Obesity has become an epidemic and the number of preventable deaths from obesity-related diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease continues to rise. Despite the well-documented association between obesity and significant morbidity and mortalityRead MoreObesity And The United States1334 Words   |  6 PagesObesity is an ongoing epidemic in our county and our world. Carrying around excess weight isn’t just uncomfortable, it also poses a variety of very serious health t hreats, such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, some cancers, osteoarthritis, and gout. Also some breathing problems, such as sleep apnea and asthma. My peers talked about the difference of being obese and overweight. The difference of the two is how your BMI ranges. BMI stands for body mass index meaning that your

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How similar and different are the two charachters Willy Loman and Okonkwo Essay Example For Students

How similar and different are the two charachters Willy Loman and Okonkwo? Essay The two writers, Chinua Achebe and Arthur Miller, have done a great job in describing the main characters in their novels, Things fall apart and Death of a salesman. Although their behaviour might seem quite different from each other, especially considering that they live in two different ages and places, Okonkwo and Willy have a lot in common. Their behaviour towards their families, their life and their achievements are done in different ways but yet, there are some aspects which are shared by both of them. Okonkwo Okonkwo is an African man living in a small village in Nigeria. He lives in his obi with his three wives and his numerous children. He is a very hard working man who had to build his way through society starting with nothing. The reason for this was his father Unoka, a very lazy man who did anything apart from caring about his family and his career. Okonkwo is really admired by all the villagers, in fact he is one of the leading figures of the clan. Since he did not share a happy time during his childhood, Okonkwo grew up violent and aggressive. This type of personality got stronger and stronger to the point that he has always tried to use violence in order to solve any matter. He is aggressive mainly with his son Nwoye. Okonkwo does it because he feels that his son would grow weak as his father and, consequently, he would struggle in building up a good future. During the last period of his life, Okonkwo copes with a complicated situation. This period makes him weaker and more aggressive, bringing him doing negative things and, at the end, to commit suicide. Willy Willy Loman is man on his sixties who has been dreaming for the whole of his life. He is a father of two sons, Biff and Happy, and he is married with a woman who always supports him in his decisions and always tries to defend him; her name is Linda. Willy has always been trying to be a successful man, unfortunately with no results. He tried to work hard and to be the idle of his sons, but this only made the situation worse. He was always spoiling his boys and never taught them to work hard enough in order to be successful. During the last period of his life, Willy was being moody and lunatic. His life was becoming senseless and he started realising that he did not achieve anything during his existence. He started splitting himself into two characters: one was joyfully living in the past, remembering the old good times. The other one was fighting against the hard and depressing reality. This constant switching to past and present becomes more frequent as we get to the end of the play: he gets dismissed because of his age and his low performance as a salesman. At this point he falls and starts trying to commit suicide, but his wife stops him many times. One day he suddenly decides to end his agony and crashes with his car into a tree. Are they that different? This introduction of the characters gives us a better idea of how Okonkwo and Willy are different to one another. However, especially when comparing their tragic lives, we notice that they are indeed not so far apart. Just looking at how they both end their lives, we observe they die in the same way, by committing suicide. This aspect connects them because they both failed in doing something they were aiming for. Being this not the only aspect shared by them both, it is present another feature which can not be undervalued: the family. Despite the rudeness and the aggressiveness of Okonkwo towards his family, we notice that he often tries to defend his family. One good example is when the old woman takes her sick daughter to the oracle. Here Okonkwo stays up the whole night in front of the cave waiting for his daughter to come out safe. Another example is a hidden one: he always tries to persuade Nwoye to become a successful man, even if he uses violence. Willy, instead, tries to spoi l his sons and never reproaches them. .ue6a661b8de323422f8ddc064eadaa13c , .ue6a661b8de323422f8ddc064eadaa13c .postImageUrl , .ue6a661b8de323422f8ddc064eadaa13c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue6a661b8de323422f8ddc064eadaa13c , .ue6a661b8de323422f8ddc064eadaa13c:hover , .ue6a661b8de323422f8ddc064eadaa13c:visited , .ue6a661b8de323422f8ddc064eadaa13c:active { border:0!important; } .ue6a661b8de323422f8ddc064eadaa13c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue6a661b8de323422f8ddc064eadaa13c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue6a661b8de323422f8ddc064eadaa13c:active , .ue6a661b8de323422f8ddc064eadaa13c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue6a661b8de323422f8ddc064eadaa13c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue6a661b8de323422f8ddc064eadaa13c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue6a661b8de323422f8ddc064eadaa13c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue6a661b8de323422f8ddc064eadaa13c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue6a661b8de323422f8ddc064eadaa13c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue6a661b8de323422f8ddc064eadaa13c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue6a661b8de323422f8ddc064eadaa13c .ue6a661b8de323422f8ddc064eadaa13c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue6a661b8de323422f8ddc064eadaa13c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Eva Smiths death EssayAs we can see, Okonkwo and Willy experience similar situations and life conditions, but they have different aspects at the same time. While Okonkwo is a strong man that has worked all his life and dedicated himself on achievements and family, Willys life is full of dreams and unfortunately frustrations. He is not as strong as Okonkwo, but the family is very important for him too. The way they treat their families, however, is different: Okonkwo tries to set his authority, whereas Willy always tries to make his family feel comfortable with him. Okonkwos habit is to use violence as a primal source of decision, instead Willy is a very good talker and per suades people with words. Conclusion As we could examine, we can now conclude that, for important aspects, Okonkwo and Willy are not completely different. Although they might have some strong differences regarding their personalities, and so the way they react to specific life situations, in some points they are almost alike.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Mesopotamia and Gilgamesh Assignment Instructions free essay sample

Assignment Instructions: Read the summary of the Epic of Gilgamesh in the Near East/Mesopotamia Packet and the â€Å"Death of Gilgamesh† passage in the Benton/Diyanni textbook: In response to the reading, please write the following in essay format: First consider the character of Gilgamesh. Do you think his character and actions are to be emulated, or pitied? Depending on how you feel about Gilgamesh on the whole, please respond 1st paragraph: Lead with the viewpoint that you ultimately side against. For example, if you think that Gilgamesh’s actions, when all is considered, are admirable, then lead this paragraph as follows: Gilgamesh was in pitiable character in that his behavior was†¦Ã¢â‚¬  You then must demonstrate how his specific actions in the text are reflective of this. Obviously, if you take the alternate view then you would write the following: â€Å"Gilgamesh is an admirable figure in that†¦. † 2nd paragraph: You now lead with what is your position. We will write a custom essay sample on Mesopotamia and Gilgamesh Assignment Instructions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For example: â€Å"In spite of his heroism and courage, Gilgamesh is a pitiable figure in that†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Or â€Å"Even though Gilgamesh does display some negative qualities, he his still to be viewed as a hero because†¦Ã¢â‚¬  3rd Paragraph: Having expressed your view of Gilgamesh, you now need to answer the following: What was the message that was meant to be imparted to Ancient Mesopotamian peoples via the Epic of Gilgamesh? You need to support your answer with both respect to the story and the culture as a whole. Lead sentence example: â€Å"For Ancient Mesopotamians the message of Gilgamesh was†¦Ã¢â‚¬  NOTE: I CANNOT BE MORE CLEAR ON THIS. NO USE OF 1ST OR 2ND PERSON IN YOUR WRITE UP. IF I SEE IT, YOU PAPER WILL BE RETURNED WITHOUT A GRADE OR CORRECTIONS. THE PAPER SHOULD ALSO BE TYPED AND DOUBLE-SPACED. THREE PARAGRAPHS ONLY. NO INTRODUCTORY OR CONCLUDING PARAGRAPHS. PAPER SHOULD BE APPROXIMATELY 1 ? PAPGES IN LENGTH.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

American Beauty Vs. The Sound And The Fury Essays - American Beauty

American Beauty Vs. The Sound And The Fury American Beauty vs. The Sound and the Fury In todays world, lots of families look like they are happy on the outside, but in reality, on the inside, they are very far from being happy. This occurrence of false impression is not only going on in todays world, but it has been going on for years in the American society and in many other societies. Many families believe that you need to portray an image to the outside world that you are very successful, and deal with your personal problems in the inside of your home. In the novel, The Sound and the Fury this family perfectly portrays an image of happiness, when on the inside, their house is falling apart one day at a time. In addition, in the movie American Beauty, a family tries to have this false image of happiness and perfection so that their neighbors can think high of them and believe that they are successful. Under it all, this family has many issues that are tearing them apart. In American Beauty they try to portray this image of happiness when in reality, they where really falling apart inside. American Beauty is a film about an American family that tries to follow the American dream. The American dream usually can be described as having a family that is living in a good neighborhood, having a successful career, and in general your life is making you happy. In this dream everything is supposed to be perfect you should not have any real worries that will tear you apart. Everything should be easy to get to and every one should be happy. The Burnham family tries to show that they are a happy family by living in a beautiful home, having a teenage daughter, and careers of their own that they are very successful in. The family is actually living in a hell that they have created over the years. In the movie, written by Alan Pall, the father, Lester Burnham (Kevin Spacey) shows the world that he is a very successful man. He works for a big company and his family seems to love him when they are out in public or if friends and neighbors are present. In reality, the father was a very confused man. He did not know what to do with his life. Over the years, he tried to plant in his head that he had a successful marriage, where in reality it was falling apart. His daughter at her teenage years did not have any type of relationship with her father. The fathers worst problem was that he had a crush on one of his daughters friend and was not afraid t English Essays

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Diabeties essays

Diabeties essays Diabetes is considered by some in the medical field as a silent killer, which can become loud if the person lets it. By not knowing your status or getting your status late it could have the person suffer some serious medical injury to the body. If detected early it can be handled accordingly. For a person to deal with this disease seems more like a nuisance than a pain. Because they always have to take pills, remember to take their insulin shots and they have to eat, right, which I know, can be a nuisance but I guess a person must do what they have to do to live. Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life. The cause of diabetes continues to be a mystery, although both genetics and environmental factors such as obesity and lack of exercise appear to play roles. There are 18.2 million people in the United States, or 6.3% of the population, who have diabetes. While an estimated 13 million have been diagnosed, unfortunately, 5.2 million people (or nearly one-third) are unaware that they have the disease. There are three major type of diabetes: Type 1, Type 2, and Pre-Diabetes. This is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, and was previously known as juvenile diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin. Insulin is necessary for the body to be able to use sugar. Sugar is the basic fuel for the cells in the body, and insulin takes the sugar from the blood into the cells. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, either the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin. Insulin is necessary for the body to be able to use sugar. Sugar is the basic fuel for the cells in the body, and insulin takes the sugar from the blood into the cell ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The truth in lending act Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The truth in lending act - Research Paper Example Over the passage of time, lenders including the banks looked for and retrieved different kinds of exceptions that put them in a position where they could charge the consumers the fees that were not part of the APR or were not disclosed through the APR to the consumers. The egregiousness of this practice can be estimated from the fact that a lender in the case between NCAS of Delaware and the Pennsylvania Department of Banking could legally claim a certain percentage of the APR while the actual percentage of the cost of loan was considerably higher. An in-depth analysis of the TILA suggests that it has failed as an act to provide the Americans with protection against the deceptive lending practices. Case Study: Pennsylvania Department of Banking v. NCAS of Delaware This case started in Pennsylvania’s Commonwealth Court. The opinion of the trial court was taken on 31 July 2007. The opinion of the trial court did not follow a bench trial and included a decision over the pretrial motions of the defendant and the plaintiff. The plaintiff had moved for an injunction and summary judgment thus requiring the defendant to desist while the defendant decided to go for the summary judgment. On 20 March 2008, Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court gave its decision over the case between Pennsylvania Department of Banking and the NCAS of Delaware. This case includes a payday loans lender. Payday loans can be defined as short term loans that are given usually in small amounts but the interest rates charged on them are substantially high. In this case, the APR advertised by the lender was 5.98 per cent that was indeed, the loan’s APR’s accurate calculation by law (McGingley, 2013). Although this was a low rate and was reasonable, the company added an additional monthly participation fee to the rate worth $149.50 on monthly basis. Although this fee of participation does not have to be included in the APR’s calculation, yet the usury law of Pennsylvaniaâ €™s Section 3A prohibits such forms from charging fees that sum up to over 6 per cent. Nevertheless, the true borrowing cost in this case was nearly 368 per cent. Analysis and discussion The finance charge’s centrality imparts the need for accurate reflection of the loan’s true total cost by this amount. It is important that all lenders uniformly calculate this amount so that the fundamental objective of the TILA of offering a simple method of drawing a comparison between the loan costs to the consumers can be achieved. Unfortunately, however, the integrity of the APR and the finance charge has been challenged in the USA. Paradoxically, certain provisions within the TILA have played a role in challenging the integrity of the finance charge and the APR, though the actions of the Federal Reserve Board also contributed to the weakening of the system. The TILA provides for the exceptions by a limited number; excluded charges which may not necessarily be disclosed or ma de part of the stated charge of finance. This is inclusive of the fees for the preparation of documents, carrying out the surveys of property, appraisals, escrow and notary fees, insurance, and credit reports. The TILA authorized the Federal Reserve Board to develop more exceptions as it deems necessary in order to effectuate the TILA’s purposes. The Regulation Z issued by the Federal Reser